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Every Doane Computer Science graduate will have at least one major independent project, developed as part of their senior capstone course. In addition, there are opportunities to engage in undergraduate research projects, while working one-on-one with Doane faculty members. 当前的研究领域包括机器学习(神经网络和遗传算法), virtual reality applications developed in Doane’s VR lab, computer vision as applied to the natural sciences, and high-performance computing utilizing Doane’s very own supercomputer, Onyx. 许多这些顶点和研究项目都导致了会议出版物和十大网络娱乐平台注册学生的演讲.

Open Learning Academy

Student Organizations

Doane Academic Competition Team: Programming

Doane编程团队每年至少参加两次校际编程比赛, 将他们的技能与来自中西部上游其他学院和大学的队伍进行比赛. The team meets weekly to practice, learning how to solve complicated problems with advanced programming techniques. Starting in the 2019-2020 academic year, 编程团队的成员通过参加实践和比赛将获得大学学分. In addition, scholarships are available for team members.

Happy student

Student Organizations

The Guild

The Guild is Doane's largest themed community. Hosted out of Smith Hall the guild is focused around all things gaming! Video games, board games, card games, and more! 他们全年在校园内举办许多活动,包括慈善直播和游戏比赛. 公会成员还可以进入地下室的史密斯游戏室,里面有两台大电视和足够的空间玩各种游戏.

Man sitting at table reviewing a paper

Student Organizations

Project SERVE & Noyce Scholars

Interested in having K-12 students get excited about science? Doane获得了学校历史上最大的国家科学基金会资助,其目标是在内布拉斯加州的城市和农村学校招聘和留住STEM教师, where they are needed the most. Ten Doane undergraduate STEM students will receive $14,000 in their junior year and $24,并成为参加研讨会的一群学生中的一员, 有一个来自城市或农村学校的导师,参加STEM教育会议,所有这些都是为了让你在高需求的城市或农村学校教书做准备.

Special Programs

Exceptional Student Curriculum (ESC)

特殊学生课程(ESC)的目的是为计算机专业的本科生提供独特的课程,以补充他们的十大网络娱乐平台注册文科教育. In order to be successful taking these offerings, students must have demonstrated sustained academic excellence, be self-motivated, and have strong independent learning skills.

作为ESC的一部分,每学期提供给学生的课程来自本科生课程,这些课程由一名学生和一名CS教员共同设计,并作为Doane指导的研究提供,内容来自外部合作伙伴,包括微软云管理专业课程, IT Support, and Artificial Intelligence tracks, and EdX partners in computer-related areas. Paths to Masters degrees and professional certifications are available.

Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology

Special Programs

Computing w/ Honors

学习成绩优异的学生可以选择进入计算机荣誉课程. 学生通常在二年级申请该课程,并且必须得到计算机课程教师的一致批准. Once approved, in addition to completing additional courses, 学生将与一名教师一起完成一项重要的本科研究项目. The undergraduate research is often completed during the summer, and if part of Doane’s larger summer research program, has stipends associated with it.

Doane professor with student

Special Programs

Three-Year Graduation Program

通过AP或双注册课程获得大量大学学分的学生可能有资格参加计算机专业的三年毕业课程. These students, in conjunction with an advisor in the Computing department, create an academically-intensive three-year schedule, allowing them to complete the four-year degree in three years.

Student at Commencement

The Doane Difference

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Flexibility & Options

The Information Science and Technology Department offers two majors, Computing and Information Systems. 每个课程都包含相同的四门核心课程和相同的两个重点领域(软件开发和信息技术)。. 学生可以在选择一个专业之前探索两个专业,并可以从两个专业中选择一个重点领域.

Icon of certificaate

Technical and Essential Non-Technical Competencies

计算机课程旨在让学生沉浸在经验中,这将使他们获得技术和非技术能力, but mutually essential to be successful in the industry.

Icon of laptop

Active and Experiential Learning

Our students are expected to be active participants in their learning during class time. 你也应该期望通过社区服务项目成为发展专业人士, internship, and capstone project along with research opportunities in machine learning, parallel processing and virtual reality.

Career Information

Students Maddy Ramey, wearing a green suit; Olivia Vore, wearing an orange suit with pink tie; and Ali Moulton, wearing a pink suit, laugh in front of a dark curtain while holding small black binders, used for interpretive events in competitive speech.

Helpful Links

Whether you’re ready to apply or still testing the waters with a tour, we’re here for you. Here are some helpful links to assist you on your journey.

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